What is SSI?
Sensitive Security Information is information that, if publicly released, would be detrimental to transportation security, as defined by Federal Regulation 49 C.F.R. Part 1520.
As persons receiving SSI in order to carry out responsibilities related to transportation security, TSA stakeholders and non-DHS government employees and contractors, are considered “covered persons” under the SSI regulation and have special obligations to protect this information from unauthorized disclosure.
What should I know about SSI Protections?
Read our SSI Best Practices and Quick Reference guides for a quick introduction to SSI handling, sharing, and destroying procedures.
- SSI Best Practices Guide for Non-DHS Employees and Contractors
- SSI Quick Reference Guide for DHS Employees and Contractors
- 49 C.F.R. part 1520: Protection of Sensitive Security Information (printable version of the SSI Federal Regulation)
Visit the US Government Publishing Office at GPO.gov for the latest version of the SSI Federal Regulation.
TSA Maintains SSI training for a variety of stakeholders to include: air cargo, transit bus, highway/motor carrier, maritime, pipeline, rail and mass transit, law enforcement, and fusion center, as well as expanded guidance and best practices for handling and protecting SSI.
Click on the links below for more information.
- SSI Training for Air Cargo Stakeholders
- SSI Training for Aviation Stakeholders
- SSI Training for Public Transportation –Transit Bus
- SSI Training for Highway and Motor Carrier Operators
- SSI Training for Law Enforcement
- SSI Training for Maritime Stakeholders
- SSI for Rail and Mass Transit Stakeholders
- SSI Training for Pipelines Stakeholders