Known Crewmember®

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The Known Crewmember® (KCM) program is a joint initiative between Airlines for America (A4A) and the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA). KCM ties airline employee databases together in a seamless way and enables Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security officers to positively verify the identity and employment status of crewmembers.

Known Crewmember Requirements

Airlines must be KCM program participants for their crewmembers to gain entry through designated access points. All KCM participants must be employed by an aircraft operator participating in a TSA-approved security program; authorized to perform crewmember duties on full all-cargo flights, scheduled passenger or public/private charter passenger flights operated under a TSA-approved security program; and have completed the aircraft operator’s crewmember security training, as applicable. Additionally, to enter KCM access points, crewmembers must not be on a leave of absence greater than 30 days, including furloughs and military duty.

Participant Requirements


  • Only KCM participants may enter the airport sterile area through a KCM access point.
  • KCM access points may be used for business and personal use except when on personal international travel.
  • KCM participants must present and scan their KCM barcode card to enter access points.
  • KCM participants with a boarding pass showing SSSS are not permitted to use KCM access points. If a KCM participant has a boarding pass with SSSS printed on it, the crewmember must proceed to a standard passenger screening checkpoint and undergo screening, as directed.
  • KCM participants cannot bring other individuals (such as spouses, dependents, minor children) through KCM access points.


  • KCM participants in uniform must present two forms of identification (ID) for the TSA officer to confirm the crewmember’s identity. See Acceptable forms of ID below.
  • KCM participants out of uniform must present three forms of ID for the TSA officer to confirm the crewmember’s identity. See Acceptable forms of ID below.
  • If TSA cannot confirm a KCM participant’s identity or current status in the KCM program at the KCM access point, the individual will be directed to a standard passenger screening checkpoint.
  • KCM participants may request a new or replacement KCM barcode card from their airline management.


  • Crewmembers cannot bring personal property belonging to others (including family members).
  • KCM participants are permitted to bring personal property through KCM access points as long as that property does not contain any item listed on the TSA’s prohibited items list.
  • KCM participants cannot bring pets or pet carriers through KCM access points.

Additional Screening

  • The KCM program does not exempt a KCM participant from complying with any additional screening conducted beyond KCM access points.
  • KCM participants selected for random screening must proceed directly to the appropriate screening lane, as directed. 
  • If a KCM participant is referred to a standard passenger screening checkpoint, failure to proceed directly to and submit to screening at the passenger screening checkpoint (e.g., using a Secure Identification Display Area badge to avoid screening or proceeding to another location before the screening checkpoint) is considered circumventing screening. TSA may take enforcement action, including potential civil penalties as well as disqualification from the KCM program in accordance with the KCM Disqualification Protocols.


  • Violations of TSA security requirements may result in civil penalties and temporary or permanent disqualification from KCM program eligibility through the Known Crewmember Disqualification Protocol.
  • Inclusion on the Known Crewmember Disqualification Protocol may result from violations including (but not limited to):
    • interfering with screening;
    • access control violations;
    • providing false or fraudulent documents;
    • making a bomb threat;
    • bringing a firearm, explosive, or other prohibited items into a sterile area or on board an aircraft, or
    • other egregious or criminal conduct. 
  • KCM disqualifications are handled separately from any civil or criminal enforcement relating to such violations.

Acceptable forms of ID

List of acceptable forms of IDs

Uniformed Known Crewmember participant
Valid unexpired government-issued photo ID Valid unexpired Aircraft Operator ID or the National Air Transport Association ID  
Non-uniformed Known Crewmember participant
Valid unexpired government-issued photo ID

Valid unexpired Aircraft Operator ID

or the National Air Transport Association ID

For pilots- a valid Federal Aviation Administration Airman’s Certificate
For flight attendants- a Certificate of Demonstrated Proficiency


An additional unexpired, government-issued photo ID

Dos and Don’ts

What should a Known Crewmember participant do to gain access? 

  • Do show respect and courtesy during the KCM screening process.
  • Do proceed directly to the appropriate screening checkpoint location if randomly selected for screening or if you cannot be verified by the KCM system.
  • Do anticipate a delay in passing through the checkpoint if selected for random screening.

What should a Known Crewmember participant do to avoid delays at a KCM access point?

  • Do not use KCM for personal international travel.
  • Do not bring prohibited items.
  • Do not bring another person’s property through a KCM access point.

Known Crewmember locations and hours of operation