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What is a Known Traveler Number (KTN)?

A Known Traveler Number (KTN) is issued to all individuals approved to receive TSA PreCheck® expedited screening.  The KTN must be added in the KTN field when booking airline travel reservations to have the TSA PreCheck® indicator appear on your boarding pass.    

For members approved for the TSA PreCheck® Application Program, this number is 9 or 10 digits long, can be a combination of numbers and letters and typically begins with TT for those who enrolled through IDEMIA, TE for those who enrolled through Telos, or AC for those who enrolled through CLEAR all of which are official TSA PreCheck® enrollment providers. 

For members approved for Global Entry, NEXUS, or SENTRI, the KTN is the CBP PASS ID number. This nine-digit number usually begins with 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 50, 70, 80, 95, 98, or 99 and can be found on the back of your NEXUS, SENTRI, or Global Entry card in the upper-left corner or by logging on to the Trusted Traveler Programs website. Your trusted traveler card will not grant you access to TSA PreCheck® lanes, instead you must add your PASS ID number in the KTN field when making airline reservations to ensure the TSA PreCheck® indicator appears on your boarding pass.

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