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TSA PreCheck®

TSA PreCheck made easy

Enjoy the benefits you love today, now with new enrollment options.


TSA uses unpredictable security measures, both seen and unseen, throughout the airport. All travelers will be screened, and no individual is guaranteed expedited screening.

TSA PreCheck Benefits

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    Man and children walking through airport

    About 99% of TSA PreCheck® passengers wait less than 10 minutes.

    Wait 10 Minutes or Less

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    Family walking through airport

    Children 17 and under can join an adult with TSA PreCheck® when TSA PreCheck appears on the child’s boarding pass. Learn more.

    Families Welcome

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    Map with access points

    Nationwide Access

How it Works

To enroll in TSA PreCheck just follow these three steps or walk into any enrollment location. Be sure the enrollment provider selected has enrollment locations near you. To renew, pick an enrollment provider and complete your renewal online in as little as 5 minutes.

  • Select an enrollment provider with enrollment locations near you. Submit your TSA PreCheck application online in as little as 5 minutes.

    1. Apply Online

  • Complete enrollment in 10 minutes at your chosen provider which includes fingerprinting, document and photo capture, and payment.

    2. Visit an Enrollment Location

  • Once approved, get your Known Traveler Number (KTN), add it to your airline reservations and start saving time in screening.

    3. Get Your TSA PreCheck Number

New TSA PreCheck Enrollment Options

TSA has selected the following partners to help enroll travelers in TSA PreCheck. Applicants can pick any enrollment provider based on cost, locations, and additional benefits. Get started below.

Costs for enrollment vary by provider which results in pricing variation


Enroll in minutes – no appointment needed. Select locations open 7 days a week with extended hours.

117 Active Locations

  • $77.95



Convenient access to 611 enrollment centers and local enrollment events daily.

611 Active Locations

  • $76.75



Enroll in TSA PreCheck® with Telos and look for upcoming travel deals.

233 Active Locations

  • $85



Renew through CLEAR and you may qualify for discounts on other CLEAR travel products.

  • Renew online for $68.95
  • Renew in-person for $77.95



IDEMIA provides fast and easy online renewal

  • Renew online for $58.75
  • Renew in-person for $66.75



Renew through Telos for a convenient renewal experience

  • Renew online for $70
  • Renew in-person for $70


Additional TSA Resources

  • Learn who to contact based on your question or concern, plus ways to contact us.

    TSA PreCheck Customer Service

  • Need your Known Traveler Number (KTN) to complete a renewal or update an existing airline reservation? TSA PreCheck members only, excludes Global Entry.

    Find your TSA PreCheck Number

  • Find open enrollment locations for CLEAR, IDEMIA or Telos. Check back for updates.

    TSA PreCheck Enrollment Locations

TSA PreCheck for free

Your credit card or loyalty program may cover the application fee.

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