The Passing of TSA's Curtis “Blogger Bob” Burns

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Saturday, October 20, 2018
Blogger Bob

TSA mourns the loss of Curtis Robert Burns, or as most of you know him, Blogger Bob, who passed away yesterday. His death is a shock and the enormity of his loss can only be imagined at this time. He loved this agency. He loved the people who work here. And he loved the American people we serve.

But most importantly, he loved his family. And it was that love, and he talked about it regularly, that helped him choose his words on this blog, on Instagram, and on the other social media platforms he effortlessly turned to his will. He said on more than one occasion that all he ever needed to do was use dad humor. His dad humor, of course, was special, and resonated with hundreds of thousands of followers. It was beautiful, and it worked. He helped to humanize the men and women of TSA doing a very difficult job at airport checkpoints across the country—at all hours. He started as a Transportation Security Officer, and understood them better than most at the headquarters level. He was their voice. His humor was cathartic. His Top 10 items of ridiculous items found at the checkpoint reminded everyone that commonsense isn’t evenly distributed. And what screening officers did isn’t security theater. And if it were, the cast of characters were often those being screened and not doing the screening, as some suggest. His gift to us all was laughter, and he reminded us that as serious as the mission is, you can still find humor in the daily duties. It can be an arduous undertaking.

I ask that you mourn with us. Remember the important security and life lessons he taught us. And Bob would insist that we laugh and remember back on the many whimsical posts he published in the decade he labored lovingly as Blogger Bob. Safe travels, Bob. We love you!

Michael Bilello
Assistant Administrator, Public Affairs

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