A Phoenix passenger talks about losing her ID while on a business trip far from home and expressed her deep gratitude for an officer’s professionalism and courtesy.
“[The officer] made what I thought would be the hardest part of my trip and my worst nightmare the easiest part of the whole process.”
Columbus, Ohio
“[She] made our day and proved there are good people out there with integrity who will help you without expecting anything in return. God bless her!”
Fort La
A local sheriff’s department officer observed a supervisory TSA officer who exhibited exceptional customer service skills while interacting with a passenger who was experiencing an anxiety attack.
The passenger service specialist, who specializes in dealing with unique situations, went above and beyond her supervisory duties to assist a passenger in need. “One passenger requests her assistance every time they fly through Fort Lauderdale because of her customer service skills, understanding of disabilities, patience, and kindness.”
Lubbock, Texas
A Texas flyer said, “I was planning
His kindness and concern for me were both heartwarming and beyond the call of his duties as a TSA officer. I am both grateful for and humbled by his help. He is truly a wonderful example and should be commended.”