TSA helps educate the next generation of national security professionals

Friday, August 2, 2019
Summer Interns

Students from the Alexander Hamilton Institute’s Washington Program on National Security recently met with a wide range of TSA employees as part of their two-week summer internship program.

Now in the third year of the partnership, the staff from TSA’s Intelligence and Analysis office and other TSA offices briefed the group on numerous transportation security topics.

Students asked questions about TSA’s work in order to get a broad view of where TSA fits into the national security picture. At the end of the session, TSA challenged the students to come up with strategies for improvement so the agency can continue to fulfill its mission of protecting the homeland across transportation modes.

In addition to this program, other interns came to TSA this summer through programs such as the Citadel in DC, the Urban Alliance, and the Marion Barry Summer Youth Employment Program. For the third year, TSA also partnered with the Director’s Internship Program of Harvard’s Kennedy School Institute of Politics to bring in summer interns. 

By connecting younger people with intelligence professionals through these types of initiatives, TSA hopes to groom the next generation to help protect the homeland.

Summer Interns