Kudos Across America – Portland, Oregon

Wednesday, October 4, 2023
(TSA stock image)

I know you get a lot of complaints (I see the signs warning people about not harassing agents). 

Today's experience warrants some huge praise. My stepdaughter is autistic and gets overwhelmed easily. Between the crowds and the lack of sleep, she fainted three times at the TSA checkpoint. 

Your TSA officers) were extremely helpful in getting her paramedics, helping make sure our carry-ons were safe, and helping us make alternative flight plans. 

From left, PDX TSA Officer Brian Behncke, Supervisory TSA Officer Callie Ewing and Lead TSA Officer Melvin Blackwood.  (Photo by Kenyan ‘Kenny’ McCray)
From left, PDX TSA Officer Brian Behncke, Supervisory TSA Officer Callie Ewing and Lead TSA Officer Melvin Blackwood.  (Photo by Kenyan ‘Kenny’ McCray)

There was no gossip, no sense of impatience as they redirected other passengers to another line. 

My daughter ended up at the hospital and is home safe. Tomorrow morning, we're trying again. 

Thank you for making a stressful situation bearable with your care and professionalism. 


Ron Wagner 

Vancouver, WA 

EDITOR’S NOTE: All officers received a ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ and a PDX airport coin from  

Portland International Jetport (PDX) TSA Federal Security Director Kathleen McDonald.