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Kudos Across America – Durango, Colorado

Friday, December 23, 2022
Durango-La Plata County Airport Lead TSA Officer Maritza Cuenca  (Photo by Daniel Bontrager)Durango-La Plata County Airport Lead TSA Officer Maritza Cuenca (Photo by Daniel Bontrager)

We wanted to compliment (Durango-La Plata County Airport LTSO) Maritza (Cuenca) on her professionalism in doing her job and following the rules while maintaining a friendly and helpful attitude, as she helped us with a tricky problem.

My sister was scheduled to fly from Durango, Colorado to Denver on a 7:30 a.m. flight to connect to Seattle. But, after we had driven an hour from Cortez, Colorado to arrive at the airport at 6:30 a.m., she discovered that she had left her purse with all of her ID information at my uncle's house in Cortez. Needless to say, she was very stressed and upset, as she was unable to pass through the TSA checkpoint.

The TSA officer called his supervisor, Mrs. Maritza Cuenca for help. After several minutes of trying to help my sister with verifying her identity, Cuenca called for assistance, and within several minutes was asking my sister several questions. Cuenca was able to clear her so she could proceed to the departure gate. It was getting near the close of boarding time as Cuenca continued to do her job with efficiency and professionalism, as she checked and swabbed every piece of my sister's luggage. It was all done in a timely manner so that my sister was able to board her flight and make her connection in Denver.

My sister and I were both so thankful that Cuenca was able to clear her through the TSA (checkpoint) so she could make her flight on time. We really want to thank her for her professionalism in doing her job, with a friendly and helpful attitude.

Thank you TSA for putting Cuenca in a position where she could help and assist distressed passengers. We can't thank her enough. Maritza is a great representation of the TSA workforce! Bravo Zulu Officer Maritza Cuenca for a job well done! We are looking forward to seeing you again in Durango, so we can thank you in person.

Sincerely and with much gratitude,

Linda Miller and Donna Cowsert (sisters)

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