Kudos Across America – Alliance, Nebraska

Monday, January 10, 2022
From left, AIA Supervisory TSA Officer Connie Kirchner; Lead TSA Officers Jacob Mills and Steven Crabb  (Photo by Meriah Pedersen)From left, AIA Supervisory TSA Officer Connie Kirchner; Lead TSA Officers Jacob Mills and Steven Crabb (Photo by Meriah Pedersen)

I fly out of Alliance, Nebraska [Alliance Municipal Airport - AIA] at least once a month. Your TSA people in Alliance are absolutely incredible!

Thank you for their friendliness, willingness to help and their positive attitude toward making the airport a safe, positive experience for everyone.

Working at the AIA checkpoint, from left TSA Officer Laurie Krebs, Lead TSA Officer Jacob Mills, Supervisory TSA Officer Connie Kirchner and Mark Magnuson. Not pictured, Lead TSA Officer Steven Crabb and TSA Officer Susan Banks (Photo by Kathy Hoppes)
Working at the AIA checkpoint, from left TSA Officer Laurie Krebs, Lead TSA Officer Jacob Mills, Supervisory TSA Officer Connie Kirchner and Mark Magnuson. Not pictured, Lead TSA Officer Steven Crabb and TSA Officer Susan Banks (Photo by Kathy Hoppes)