About 12,000 TSA employees proudly served or are currently serving in the military. That’s 19 percent of its workforce.
This week, TSA paid tribute to our veterans with a special ceremony at headquarters.
Acting Deputy Administrator Patricia Cogswell kicked off the event by thanking and welcoming the veterans in the audience. “I am honored to represent TSA in thanking our veterans for your military service, your personal sacrifice, and your enduring commitment to safeguard liberty and freedom for your fellow Americans,” she said. “Every day at TSA, we honor our nation’s veterans, especially those in our TSA family and those who pass through our checkpoints. Veterans bring invaluable experience and commitment to TSA’s mission.”
“Beginning with the first Honor Flight in 2005, TSA has had the privilege of escorting more than 161,000 veterans through our airports as they travel to the national memorials that honor their service and sacrifice,” Cogswell added. “Through TSA Cares, injured or wounded service members and veterans can receive special assistance with the security screening process at airports nationwide, ensuring they

North Florida Federal Security Director Brian Cahill recently visited the D-Day beaches of Normandy and drew a stirring comparison between the work of our military heroes and the important work TSA employees perform each and every day.
“The most common similarity between military service and service with TSA is we are the best on the planet at what we do, and the entire world is counting on us to be successful,” said Cahill. “Most join the military because they are attracted to the mission, their desire to serve others, and their desire to be part of something more important collectively than its individual parts. To be successful and satisfied with service in both the military and TSA, part of one’s compensation must be the great feeling experienced when putting one’s head on the pillow at night knowing you made a difference. From TSA’s perspective, this includes knowing all flights reached their destinations safely that day.”
Cahill served 23 years in the U.S. Navy Reserve and U.S. Marine Corps before retiring as lieutenant commander.
“If any organization has a mission equally as important [to TSA], it is the United States military,” Cahill added. “While serving in the military or with TSA, we are defending liberty and freedom, and because there is no greater mission on earth, there is no amount of pay commensurate with the services we provide. Part of our compensation must come from the fact that we are successful in our execution. We have been successful to date, and we must continue to be successful. The entire world is counting on us.”