Kudos Across America – Portland, Maine

Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Portland ME airport photo

A little about me.

Officer Johl photo
Portland International Jetport TSA Officer Jessica Johl screened this passenger’s bag. (Photo by Ricky Caldwell)

For almost 20 years I have traveled frequently [through] about 80 TSA checkpoints per year with [Portland International Jetport] PWM as my home airport. I am both TSA PreCheck and Global Entry [certified].

I wanted to pass on to all of you what a joy it was to go through the PWM checkpoint this morning. Not only was I greeted by smiles and good moods, but when my bag was selected for screening, it and I were handled courteously, professionally, and respectfully.

In my bag, and the source of the item being looked for, were 90-year-old pictures of my father that I am in the process of digitizing for his upcoming memorial service.

The TSA officer [Jessica Johl] found the pictures, carefully reviewed the stack, and then placed them back in the bag exactly the way I asked her to. She treated these heirlooms as gently and carefully as I do.

Thank you all for continuously performing your thankless job with pride and care. It is much appreciated.