Kudos Across America – New Mexico, The Land of Enchantment

Wednesday, January 19, 2022
White Sands NM photoWhite Sands National Park, Alamogordo, New Mexico (Photo by Terri Flow)

Lea County Regional Airport (HOB) 

Lea County Regional Airport officers photo
From left, Lea County Regional Airport Lead TSA Officer George Werner, TSA Officers (TSO) Fernando Borboa and Chrisselda Maldonado, Supervisory TSA Officer (STSO) Tynetta Howard. Not pictured STSO Melanie Brown and TSOs Arly Morales and Rotcel Lopez. (Photo by Shalana Rodriguez)

I was so pleased with the way the Hobbs, New Mexico [Lea County Regional Airport] TSA officers treated me while screening through security. They were so kind while acting professional.

They began by asking me about my day. How nice! I should also mention that I was selected for additional screening, and at no time did they make me feel like a crook or criminal. The way they explained the process was reassuring and kind. I was treated like a human. That's so important these days.

THANK YOU to the entire team for making an escalated situation a pleasant experience. We need more agents [officers] like you!

Matthew Peters

STI Padilla photo
Albuquerque International Sunport Master Security Training Instructor Peter Padilla (Photo by Maggie Santiago)

Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ)

I took my mom to the ABQ airport for her flight to Dallas. My mom is 81 years old. She's in very good health, but it’s been a while since she has flown.

Right before getting to the security checkpoint, I explained to my mom how to navigate through the checkpoint. When we said our goodbyes, she started walking through the TSA PreCheck® line. And, I called out to her to go straight forward to the regular line.

At that point, a tall gentleman in a black jacket was walking out. He stopped my mom and asked if she needed help, as he overheard our conversation. I learned afterwards, [TSA Officer] Peter Padilla was completing his shift and heading home. He proceeded to guide her through the checkpoint till she safely reached the secured area of the airport. Mr. Padilla rejuvenated my faith in the kindness of people.

I was fortunate enough to run into Mr. Padilla and thank him. However, I believe acts of kindness, especially while being or going off duty, need recognition from leadership and among peers.

Please thank him for his dedication and kindness.

Santa Fe officers photo
From left, Santa Fe Regional Airport Supervisory TSA Officer (STSO) Amanda O’Haver; TSA Officers (TSOs) Russel Gunn, Avelina Avelos, Verena Schwarz, Michael Zimmerman and Christian Gorr; Lead TSA Officer (LTSO) Aaron Gelinas; TSOs Steven Majors and Preston Becker. Not pictured, STSO Jason Walker; LTSOs Leah Romero, Joseph Kendrick and Raul Fernandez-Chacon; TSOs Teresa Hemmes, Angelique Garcia and Venessa Stack. (Photo by Joseph Kendrick)

Randy L. Rivera

Santa Fe Regional Airport (SAF) 

I just went through the [TSA] checkpoint [Santa Fe Regional Airport] in Santa Fe.

Without exception, the agents [officers] were some of the kindest I have ever encountered. They spoke kindly and like they were talking to humans.

The operation is tiny BUT the service is exceptional!

Carol Ann