Kudos Across America – Denver

Thursday, October 12, 2023
Denver Police Department Officer Arlen Anderson, Pat Mracek from the Veterans Memorial Flight, Inc. and Denver International Airport TSA Security Inspector Carlos Feigelmuller. (Photo courtesy of TSA DEN)

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Recently, Denver International Airport received the following thank you from a grateful passenger for their help in accompanying the Western Nebraska Veterans Honor Flight group through the airport early in September. 

Your assistance was greatly appreciated. I am especially grateful for the assistance you and your officers gave to me and my Dad (who has dementia) by graciously pulling our suitcases from the airport terminal to Concourse C, so I could focus on getting my Dad there safely and efficiently. I will always be forever grateful for your kindness. I will tell you, your TSA personnel in Denver treated our veterans group like royalty and with respect and professionalism.

Thank you again for your excellent service provided to our Veterans Honor Flight! Your actions did not go unnoticed and will always hold a special place in our memories of this amazing trip to D.C.!”


Vicki Burbach and Kent Greenwalt
Gering, Nebraska.

By Wayne Carey, Strategic Communications and Public Affairs